Assistance with household tasks.
These support items enable participants to maintain their home environment. This may involve undertaking essential household tasks that the participant is not able to undertake such as cleaning, gardening or meal preparation.
House or Yard Maintenance - Performing essential house and/or yard activities that the participant is not able to undertake.
House Cleaning And Other Household Activities - Performing essential house cleaning activities that the participant is not able to undertake.
Preparation of Meals - This support item is for assistance with the cost of the preparation and delivery of food to participants who are unable to do this for themselves, and are not in receipt of other supports that would meet the same need. This may include assistance with grocery shopping. The cost of the food itself is not covered by the NDIS.
These support items can be delivered to individual participants subject to the rules set out in the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits.