Assistance with daily living.
This support category relates to assisting with or supervising personal tasks of daily life to enable the participant to live as autonomously as possible. These supports are provided individually to participants and can be provided in a range of environments, including the participant’s own home.
Assistance with Self Care Activities - These support items provide a participant with assistance with, or supervision of, personal tasks of daily life to develop skills of the participant to live as autonomously as possible.
Assistance with Self Care Activities (Night-Time Sleepover Support) - This support item provides a participant with assistance with, or supervision of, personal tasks of daily life where overnight support is needed, but the caregiver can sleep when not required to provide support. This support applies to any day of the week and on public holidays. This support item includes up to two hours of active supports provided to the participant for the duration of the period. Providers may claim for the third or additional hour at Saturday rates on weekdays, or at applicable rates on other days (Saturdays, Sundays or Public Holidays).
Assistance with Personal Domestic Activities - This support item assists a participant to undertake or develop skills to maintain their home environment where the participant owns their own home or has sole or substantial responsibility for its maintenance.
Assistance in Shared Living Arrangements (Supported Independent Living) - These support items provide assistance with, or supervision of, tasks of daily life in a shared living environment, with a focus on developing the skills of each individual to live as autonomously as possible. The support is provided to each person living in the shared arrangement in accordance with their need. Support Independent Living does not include rent, board and lodging or other day-to-day usual living expenses such as food and activities. It also does not include the capital costs associated with a participant’s accommodation.
Short Term Accommodation and Assistance (including the provision of respite care) - The support items include all expenses in a 24-hour period including assistance with self-care or community access activities, accommodation, food and negotiated activities. Typically, this type of support would be used for short periods of up to 14 days at a time (exceptions may be made). For longer-term arrangements, other options are likely to be more appropriate (e.g. Supported Independent Living or Medium Term Accommodation).
Skills Development and Training - This support item provides individual life skills development and training including public transport training and support, developing skills for community, social and recreational participation. It also provides training for participants in groups to increase their independence in daily personal activities.
Individual Social Skills Development - This support item assists participants to develop their social skills for participation in community and social activity.
These support items can be delivered to individual participants subject to the rules set out in the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits.